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Energy Audits

Do your New Year resolutions include saving money, or helping the environment? Implementing energy saving projects in your strata building can provide the highest investment returns on offer, reducing carbon emissions and improving property valuations. But how do you know what are the best projects for your building? An Energy Audit could be the best…

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5 Most Common Invalid By-Laws (QLD)

We see thousands of by-laws every year. Our personal favourite is a by-law requiring the body corporate to keep a rope in the pool so that if a koala falls in, the koala can climb back out. We don’t see how that by-law can ever be enforced, especially by the koala it is there to…

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Home Warranty Scheme Notional Premium no longer applies to painting

Home Warranty Scheme Notional Premium no longer applies to painting SCA (Qld) initiated change to unfair multiplier  Upon the release of the amendments to the Home Warranty Scheme (HWS) on 28 October, SCA (Qld) instigated an urgent meeting with Housing and Public Works Minister Mick de Brenni to discuss the unfair additional cost imposed on owners…

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Commissioners Corner – Owning in a Community Title Scheme

As you would no doubt be aware, the Office of the Commissioner for Body Corporate and Community Management provides an information service to all parties with an interest in the community titles sector. This includes those people who are thinking about purchasing a lot in a community titles scheme. Prospective purchasers of lots have many…

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