Collaborate With Us
At Smart Strata, we pride ourselves on offering the latest in strata news and events. We regularly provide state news on topics of interest to residents, investors, owners and managers of body corporate properties.
As someone who subscribes to our supplier portal, we want to offer you the opportunity to contribute. You’ll have the opportunity to reach a subscriber base of over 60,000 with our weekly newsletter.
We want to provide our readers with educational content that can be in the form of:
- Advice
- Guides
- Industry trends
- Industry data
We recommend that you aim for your article to range from 500 – 1000 words. Keeping your wording clear and concise. You can view prior articles in the latest News section on our website for examples of previous work. Smart Strata articles should inform, engage and promote discussion/thought. They are never used as a sales platform for your business however you will be credited personally along with a link to your business listing should readers wish to pursue your services direct.
Our editing team is on hand to read over and ensure that content is appropriate for Smart Strata readers, we can also pass on the details of professional copywriters if you would prefer.
If you already have an article you think would be appropriate for Smart Strata, please forward this to us as a Word document using the form at the bottom of this page.
Article Tone
Smart Strata’s tone is a balance between formal, neutral and friendly. We have a varied readership which is made up of industry professionals, industry suppliers, those who are on Body Corporate Committees, those who live in Body Corporate schemes and Body Corporate Managers. This means the articles need to appeal to a wide range of audiences.
Check that your writing remains professional, by avoiding slang, idioms and abbreviations. Ensure case studies and descriptions are professional and relatable to your targeted audience. Make sure that every sentence has a purpose of informing, engaging or promoting discussion. References and links are required to lead to reputable websites with factual data when further reading is required.
Writers should refrain from using any language which could be deemed derogatory, offensive or aggressive.
Article Style
- Spell out acronyms for initial mentions within the article. Eg. Good Environmental Choice Australia (GECA)
- No double spacing
- Australian English spelling
- Vary your sentence lengths to create a more engaging article
- Write in an active voice rather than passive
- Expand your vocabulary and avoid repetition of words
- Use hyphens eg. “one-bedroom” or “mixed-use”
- Use “such as” or “for example” rather than “like”
- Make sure it’s clear who you’re talking about at the beginning of every sentence. Instead of “They recently…” use phrases such as “The construction firm recently…” or “Smart Strata recently…”
- Limit the use of exclamation marks
- Bold and/or underline links
- Article headings should have each word capitalised eg.
- Use Sub-headings – Break up your paragraphs with an engaging title.
Tips for Writing
- The first paragraph is included in the newsletter with a link to the full article on the website so make sure you clearly outline what the article is about to engage readers
- Article heading is the main search words that will be used in future so make sure they are relevant to the topic in no more than 5 words
- Brainstorming is a vital step in the article writing process. Use this time to gather all your research and formulate a logical article structure.
- Write your articles in a Word doc
- Delete unnecessary words with every revision to ensure your text is clear and concise.
- Never make assumptions about your audience. Committee members can be all ages, as can unit owners
- Read your work out loud! This can help you pick up any issues with the flow of your sentences.
- Write what you’re passionate about as it will shine through in your work!