Annual General Meetings – Part Two Top Tips In my earlier article – part one – I covered some of the basic processes of an annual general meeting (AGM), including some of the key timeframes involved. With those details in mind, this article – part two – provides some AGM tips. You might like…
Commissioners Corner: AGM Basics and Timeframes Not surprisingly, one of the most common inquiries received by the Office of the Commissioner for Body Corporate and Community Management is about general meetings of a body corporate. The queries are often about the timeframes involved as well as some of the more basic processes. Given that a…
Last week we discussed how to form a Committee, and this week we look at the next steps in the process when a Committee cannot be formed at the Annual General Meeting (AGM). It is a requirement of The Body Corporate and Community Management Act 1997 that a Committee is formed at the AGM, and…
Did you know that the decision-making process of Bodies Corporate doesn’t always have to be made in full public view? Sometimes a secret ballot is just the thing to guarantee that every member gets their say on a motion without the possibility of offending a neighbour with a conflicting view of the matter being decided.…
There are various types of meetings associated with running a strata scheme. One of the most important meetings to take place is the Annual General Meeting. At an AGM, Lot Owners have the opportunity to vote on important issues such as setting the annual levies, enter into agreements for services and electing the body corporate…