Most body corporate disputes in Queensland can only be resolved by an adjudicator in the Office of the Commissioner for Body Corporate and Community Management. However, before an adjudication application will be accepted by the Commissioner, the applicant must show that reasonable attempts at internal dispute resolution have been made and that conciliation has been…
When I am at meetings, events, seminars and similar, people will often say to me of my role “that must keep you busy” or words to that effect. In this article, I will attempt to quantify just how “busy” my Office is, by providing some statistics about our work in 2016–17, along with some commentary…
Last time I wrote about the importance of making sure you have the right by-laws before taking enforcement action for a contravention notice of a body corporate by-law. So I consider it timely to outline the fundamentals of the by-law enforcement process in this article. A misunderstanding my Office’s Information Service hears often is where…