The Queensland Building and Construction Commission (“QBCC”) is the regulator of the building and construction industry in Queensland. The QBCC has a raft of different functions, but two of those are providing remedies to consumers for defective building work (“Dispute Resolution Function”) and the administration of the Statutory Insurance Scheme (“SIS”). These functions are interrelated,…
There are many different forms of agreement drafted by contractors and clients setting out the obligations of each party to the agreement. Some forms of agreement are great, covering off all the important stuff such as details of the service including standards to be provided and the payment terms for the service. Then there are…
DSCV’s top tips for effective communication: Make sure you both have enough time to talk through the issues Communicate your needs and concerns Keep your emotions in check, stay relaxed Attack the problem, not the person Listen to the other side and acknowledge their needs and feelings If this fails, agree to take a break…