Most disputes within Bodies Corporate stem from ignorance and miscommunication. Sometimes, however, disputes are caused or perpetuated by “conflict junkies”. As the name suggests, conflict junkies are people that are addicted to conflict. They love sending long, threatening emails. They routinely demand total adherence to their views and wishes. They rarely ask questions, preferring instead…

In strata, things are not always as they first seem. What is being disputed about is sometimes not really the issue which needs to be dealt with. This article is about one such situation and also gives you some tips to better manage body corporate disputes. Recently, Strata Solve held a conference with an owner…

DSCV’s top tips for effective communication: Make sure you both have enough time to talk through the issues Communicate your needs and concerns Keep your emotions in check, stay relaxed Attack the problem, not the person Listen to the other side and acknowledge their needs and feelings If this fails, agree to take a break…

In every strata scheme there are a set of governing by-laws. These by-laws serve a variety of purposes including; protecting residents from harm and potential hazards, ensuring building processes run smoothly and maintaining a harmonious and dispute-free community. If you are involved in strata, it is important to familiarize yourself with your scheme’s by-laws in…