In most modern democracies, the progression of the human rights movement over the last 75 years has led to increasing claims that one’s human rights have been violated.

In the aftermath of the Second World War, in 1948 the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, outlining an individual’s inalienable rights and freedoms. This declaration formed the cornerstone of the subsequent growth and adoption of binding laws in participating nations, including Australia.

Grace Lawyers expert panelist introduced with preparations in full swing. We are now nearing the halfway point, with the second SEQ event, By-Laws: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly set to take place on the Sunshine Coast next Thursday, 24th of October. This seminar series focuses on two key topics: By-Laws: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly (SEQ) and Insurance: Affordability and Accountability (NQ).

Can a Lot Owner be Imprisoned for Feeding Birds? It seems like it would be a pretty straightforward answer of “No”.

However, we recently acted for a Body Corporate that obtained orders in the Magistrates Court of Queensland that in effect, stated if a Lot owner continued to feed the birds at the scheme, he would be subject to imprisonment for a period of three months.

In Queensland, Section 94(2) of the Body Corporate and Community Management Act 1997 (Act) imposes a mandatory obligation on a body corporate to act reasonably in performing its general functions and obligations under the Act. This obligation applies to any decision the body corporate makes or chooses not to make.

In our Southeast Queensland seminar series, our panel of experts will explore what is a good, a bad and what is a downright ugly by-law. They will explain why and what you can do to make your by-laws not only compliant with existing and new laws for pets and parking, but also how you can effectively communicate and seek community observance. We will delve into making and changing by-laws and also options for when you have recalcitrant residents that are causing disharmony within your community.