This article is written from the perspective of a strata manager. Read on for insights from their side of the meeting room table. You are sitting in another stupefying meeting. The Committee is way off the agenda, wandering far and wide amidst the weeds. You have tried, to no avail, to bring them back to…

The dynamic of Body Corporate meetings can vary greatly depending on the members present. In this article we provide guidance on setting goals and planning actions, the importance of leadership, understanding of participants roles and responsibilities, being concise when making submissions and acting professionally. If you have ever left a meeting wondering what just happened, this…

Few new strata managers walking in on their first day have the slightest inkling what is in store for them unless they have extensive customer-service experience. Without scaring everyone too much let me say in no uncertain terms that some of the people with whom you will deal will be very difficult. Why is that?…