Our caretaking service contractor has sent out a letter to all owners asking them to vote for certain committee candidates and to vote to extend the caretaking service contract. Is this permissible under the Act? While the Body Corporate and Community Management Act 1997 and its associated regulations remain silent in regards to lobbying, it…
Recently the former Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Queensland, Justice Carmody, handed down an important decision of the Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal in relation to pets within bodies corporate; Body Corporate for Beaches Surfers Paradise V Backshell [2016] QCATA 177. Even better Justice Carmody provided a pet decision making checklist, for when…
The Queensland University of Technology (QUT) Commercial and Property Law Research Centre, on behalf of the Queensland Government, has examined body corporate lot entitlement issues as part of a broad property law review. Lot entitlements are used to determine each lot owner’s share of expenses incurred by their body corporate. These costs typically relate to…