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The purpose of your building’s exterior protective coating system is to protect its internal structure from the harsh elements, making it one of the most important aspects to maintain.

All exterior building surfaces naturally deteriorate over time but with regular maintenance and strategic repairs, you can add years to the life of your building, preventing costly repair bills, improving your buildings value and aesthetic appearance, minimising health & safety risks and keeping residents & guests happy.

Being proactive and vigilant is key so in this edition of AccessPro Solutions newsletter, we are going to provide some answers to your what, why and when questions, around building maintenance.

What is Building Maintenance?

Building maintenance is the regular cleaning, protection and repairs carried out to its exterior surfaces.

Why is it Important?

Regular building maintenance is important to ensure the condition of the building does not deteriorate, causing costly repairs and leaving an unsightly appearance, and to ensure you meet all major painting and window manufacturers warranties.

What Causes External Façade/Building Deterioration?

Lack of regular building maintenance and exposure to sea salt contamination, weather elements and pollutants.

If not regularly maintained, what damage can occur to a Building’s Exterior?

Over time, if left unattended, facade materials such as windows, window seals, frames, flashings, aluminium extrusions/panels, concrete, render and metal, will naturally deteriorate. As a result, façade exteriors can develop rust, calcification and concrete spalling that is often costly to repair, and in some cases, can compromise the integrity of various building elements and the safety of your residents. Regular maintenance helps to combat this damage and preserve the buildings overall condition and value long term.

What is the most common type of building façade materials & what causes their damage?

Concrete Facades: steel and other fixed metals naturally corrode over time, causing deterioration in the concrete. When steel corrodes, the rust takes up a greater volume than the steel, creating expansion in the concrete, which eventually causes cracking, delamination, and spalling.

Metal facades: although not prone to water damage or mould, metals have a high likelihood to rust and stain, causing expansion in surrounding concrete and abrasive/sharp ends. This is particularly true if not properly sealed and finished.

Glass facades: are prone to scratches, often caused by grime build up etching into the glass, and stains left from water leaching mineral deposits that can penetrate elements of the windows (seals, caulking and frame) resulting in damage and potential water ingress.

What are the 3 elements to a Building Maintenance Program

External Façade Washdown: An external facade wash down is the only way to mitigate larger and more costly repairs in the future. It is the best form of preventative maintenance in such harsh environmental conditions.

Glass Clean: Clean windows leave a lasting impression. In addition to maintaining your buildings appearance, the benefit of regular external cleaning of glass/windows is the prevention of dirt, grime and moisture build up.

Building Audit/Repairs: regular inspections of your building’s exterior surfaces are important for early identification of any areas showing signs of deterioration. Having a building audit completed, ensures you are ahead of any items requiring rectification and prevents further contamination and larger more costly repairs in the future.

How often should building maintenance items be completed?

Best practice & minimum recommendations for:

  • External Facade Building Wash: annually
  • External Glass Clean: 6 monthly however you must consider your buildings location as those closer to the ocean and in high built-up traffic areas experience increased sea salt, weather and environmental contaminants. Recommendation for buildings in these areas is every 3-4 months.
  • External Facade Audit: annually (generally after a building wash/glass clean to ensure proficiency and quality reporting)

Important Note: It is highly recommended to continue the regular facade maintenance routine for the first 5 years and after a new exterior coating system i.e. paint has been applied.

While all of the above may sound daunting, the AccessPro Solutions team is here to help.

Snapshot of some Current APS Projects

  • Full Exterior Facade Wash Down & Window Clean (Reflections Tower 1)
  • Glazing Rectification Works (Circle on Cavill)
  • Full Repaint of Stadium Structure (CBUS Super Stadium)
  • Window Leak Rectification (Hotel Gloria)
  • Window Clean & Maintenance (Stamford Plaza)

Article contributed by AccessPro Solutions

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