Communal Facility Restrictions Revised
Strata Community Association (Qld) has become aware that while communal facilities are permitted to open again, they all are impacted by the recent Restrictions on Businesses, Activities and Undertakings Direction published on 31 May 2020.
Best Practice Guide – Roadmap Stage 2 (Revised)
Paragraph 13, Restrictions on Businesses, Activities and Undertakings Direction
A person who owns, controls or operates a restricted business, activity or undertaking must keep contact information about all guests and staff for contact tracing purposes, including name, address and mobile phone number for a period of at least 56 days, unless otherwise specified. If requested, this information must be provided to public health officers. The information should be securely stored, not used for any other purpose and deleted after 56 days.
In the absence of clarification from Queensland Health which SCA (Qld) is currently seeking, this is applicable to body corporate gyms, pools and BBQ areas until further notice.
Strict Gym Compliance Requirements
Members should take note that gyms in particular fall under the unequivocal terms of the below section of the COVID Safe Industry Plan for the fitness industry and for the time being, strata gyms are required to comply with this plan which requires:
- Supervision: “Unsupervised facilities and services must not operate during stage 2, all services must be supervised and meet the requirements outlines in this document.”
- A register of users to be kept
- Maximum 20 people per designated area or no more than one person per seven square metres
- Bring your own equipment
- Frequent cleaning
There are risks and difficulties for bodies corporate that are associated with both opening gyms and closing gyms.
If Bodies Corporate wish to open gyms, then they should comply in all respects with the above plan.
Body Corporate Committees should make all owners aware of the directive, the plan and the potential consequences of breach (up to $13,345 fine) and we strongly encourage committees to take legal and WHS advice on their specific situation.
While it is known that more easing of the restrictions is expected in July 2020, SCA (Qld) cautions members that the supervision element of the gym and the classification in the fitness industry may not change. SCA (Qld) has written to the Queensland Chief Health Officer and the Premier to seek further guidance.
This information was first published by Strata Community Association QLD on 12 June 2020.
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