COVID-19 Legislation Expiry
Whilst it seems like an age ago, the COVID-19 Emergency Response Act (2020) was introduced almost two years ago on 22 April, 2020. This Act, as you may be aware granted sweeping powers to the Chief Health Officer and along with several other Acts introduced emergency provisions to help various industries manage the financial impact of the pandemic.
In our industry, sections 323(A)- (I) was inserted into the Body Corporate and Community Management Act 1997, and further amendments were made via the Justice Legislation (COVID-19 Emergency Response—Community Titles Schemes and Other Matters) Regulation 2020. These legislative provisions and regulatory allowances made it easier to do things remotely, gave financial flexibility to schemes, and allowed committees to close facilities in a scheme pursuant to a public health order.
All of these provisions are slated to expire on the COVID-19 Legislation Expiry Day- a rather ambiguous title! At present, this date is in fact April 30, 2022. This is obviously just a few weeks away. This date has previously been extended numerous times, however, this time, it is being allowed to pass. This means a return to normal.
For members, this means a return to business pre-COVID-19, a thought in many ways unimaginable.
We encourage you to read the expiring provisions here to understand what is now off-limits after two long years of COVID-19 normal.
This article has been contributed by SCA
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