Lift Modernisation
In today’s society rapid evolution in technology and design is a continual phenomenon. Typically, as one product is released, another is being designed to replace it. As an example, the iPhone itself has had 13 versions since it was introduced into the market in 2007. The Elevator Industry, just like the iPhone has gone through massive technological advancements that continue to push the boundaries of ensuring people get to where they want to in a building in a timely and safe manner.
One form of enhancing your current Elevator Asset is through Modernisation. Modernisation in essence is replacing the main components of your Lift such as Controller, Machine (as an example) and keeping the Lift Car with some cosmetic upgrades.
In the current Queensland Property Market there are numerous buildings still in operation today that were built in the 70’s, 80’s and 90’s, within those premises there is still Elevator Technology in use associated with that period. This Technology is associated with some of the following issues;
- Scarcity of spare parts (after a certain amount of years after a lift is installed, the parts associated with that lift cease to be manufactured anymore therefore when parts do need replacing, it becomes more difficult to source).
- Harder to repair older lifts (similar to what is mentioned above with issue of scarcity of spare parts and industry expertise in older equipment diminishing).
- Older lifts are less reliable and therefore breakdowns are more frequent which equates to greater downtime.
- Aesthetically, older style lift interiors are quite outdated in comparison to new style lift interiors. For some people they also create a sense of uncertainty whether the lift is safe or not for use.
Some of the benefits for Owners when assessing whether to upgrade their current Lift Technology;
- Reliability increases, with the installation of current industry standard technology and call rates decrease drastically.
- When issues do arise, parts availability is not an issue anymore given the lift is up to today’s standard and therefore parts are readily available.
- The Lift Asset is brought up to today’s safety standard and ensures protection for both end user and technician working on the Lift.
- A significant decrease in energy consumption, which equates to savings for the Owners.
- People using the Lift have a sense of safety reinstated given the Lift is brand new.
- A Life expectancy on the asset of 20 – 25 years.
Another benefit that incurs when upgrading your Elevators is what it actually does for the building in its entirety. The second place a person goes to (once in the foyer) after entering the building is the Elevator, if the Elevator reflects something that was put in the era mentioned above it creates a different perception to that of a building that has upgraded their lifts. For Owners wanting to lease their premises or sell, the above factor plays a critical role in what your return is on your investment.
Modernisation is a large investment for Owners and considerations need to be made to ensure the best possible outcome. The right investment in your Building will ensure the benefits are felt long after the Modernisation is complete.
This article was contributed by Matthew Lycakis from thyssenkrupp Elevator Australia.
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