Company Background
Innovative Lift Consulting Pty Ltd and it’s predecessors, are the your Locally Based Specialist Lift Engineering Consultants.
We are Full Time Lift Specialists, NOT Engineers from another Discipline (Mechanical, Electrical, Fire, Hydraulics) who delve part time into Lift Services.
Our Principal – Bryan Fulcher has been actively involved in Local Lift Projects since 1979 and the Firm has been physically located in Brisbane and the Gold Coast for that entire period.
Being “Local” ensures our many and varied Clients receive immediate and timely advice and attention to any/all Lift Issues, however large or small, most often “Same Day Professional Service” can be offered and delivered consistently.
Our Staff are all highly Qualified and extremely experienced in all aspects of Lift Engineering, with our top Key Staffers boasting a combined Industry Experience of in excess of 100 Years.
We have delivered numerous Successful Lift Modernizations to our many and varied Clients, including current and recent Gold Coast and Brisbane Commercial Buildings, Residential Towers, Hotels and University Projects – separate schedules available.
Our Focus is on Delivering Quality First Class Results to our many and varied Clients, First Time Every Time.
This approach, our Professionalism and attention to detail results in high levels of Repeat Business and Referrals, including repeat engagements with All Body Corporate Managers including:Ace, AM Strata, Archers, AUA, Body Corporate Choice, Body Corporate Services (BCSSM), Challenge Strata, Complete Body Corporate Services, Ernst, Focus, Network Pacific, QBS Management, SSKB, Strata Dynamics, The Community Co.
Our Prime “Value Adding” Service is the unquestionable “Fitness for Purpose” all our recommended designs and systems enjoy, both initially and on-going.
Successful High Rise Projects are largely dependent on incorporation of the Optimum Vertical Transportation Systems meeting all relevant Client/Owners, Body Corporate and Project Briefs and Performance Criteria without draining financial, spacial or programming resources. Our ability to continually offer this successful service is aided by our time and industry tested Computer Lift Traffic Modeling service applied on all Projects for our Client’s benefit.
Bench-marking to comparative/competitive Projects also features in our specific Project studies and analysis.
We pride ourselves on our attention to detail which ensues our clients are delivered the highest quality product at the best possible price.
Detailed co-ordination with the Owners, Body Corporate and Managers ensure complete and fully functioning systems are achieved without compromise or overlap.
Our Designs incorporate latest proven technologies, including contemporary Lift Control System Algorithms without exposing clients to unproven technologies or devices.
We also, as far back as 1995, developed and are continually improving a Unique “Owner Friendly” Performance Based Lift Maintenance Contract which we offer to our Clients, is Industry Accepted, and delivers un-equaled Safety, Performance and Reliability Levels to your lifts immediately and moving forward on an on-going basis.
Further/Full details are available on request.
Should you have any queries or require any further clarifications on any issue now or at any time, please do not hesitate to contact the writer direct on 0417 784 245.
Yours faithfully,
Bryan Fulcher
Director and Principal Consultant
Web Site:
“Linked In” Profile for our Principal – Bryan Fulcher: