Monitored Fire Alarms in QLD – QFES Fees Released
QFES Schedule of charges 2019-20The Queensland Fire and Emergency Services (QFES) is currently in the process of issuing the Annual Alarm Management Charge (AMC) for the 2019-20 financial year. These charges are associated with the automatic fire alarm monitoring services they provide which we wrote about earlier in the year Here.
With the exception of the Annual Monitoring Charge, all QFES alarm-related charges reflect an increase in accordance with the current Government Indexation Rate of 2.25%. There has been no increase to the Annual Monitoring Charges including Multiple Alarm and Sub Panels Charges.
To help with Bodies Corporate with annual budgeting, a copy of the QFES 2019-20 Schedule of Charges can be downloaded Here .
To read more about the QFES alarm monitoring service, you can also review the service details published on their website Here.
This article was contributed by Sean Albert, Compliance Manager – Strata Compliance Solutions
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