It is a hazard of anyone actively involved in the management or governance of a strata community that they must deal with lunatics on occasion. A strata manager who does not burden themselves with an ability to access email on their phone may experience a sense of dread at having to open their email for…

Did you overstep the mark (or do you need to)? Given the complexity of the Body Corporate and Community Management Act 1997 and associated legislation, it is likely that committees may overstep the mark from time to time by making decisions beyond their authority. Likewise, a committee may sometimes pass a resolution with full knowledge…

This article is written from the perspective of a strata manager. Read on for insights from their side of the meeting room table. You are sitting in another stupefying meeting. The Committee is way off the agenda, wandering far and wide amidst the weeds. You have tried, to no avail, to bring them back to…

Does anyone really want to be on a strata committee?  Why not and what’s to be done about it?  Does it mean the wrong people are running our strata buildings? As an operational structure, strata and community title associations need owners [or their nominees] to volunteer as committee members. And, whilst it makes sense that…

It is essential that the Strata industry has educated, knowledgeable and prepared volunteers to successfully lead communities. To better assist key stakeholders, an education program for the purpose of encouraging Committee members and lot owners to better understand the purpose and functions of their community, has been developed. Along with this educational program, Committee members…

Solar power capacity increased tenfold between 2009 and 2011 in Australia. It then quadrupled by 2016. This all occurred at a time when the price of carbon and the Kyoto Protocol were hot topics, and a café latte with smashed avocado on toast became a favourite choice for breakfast. But the government knew that it…